正规澳门赌场网络 the Minor 在通信技术中

The Minor 在通信技术中 examines questions about society, 业务, and communication practices with critical attention to the newest media and computer-related technologies. 学生 will explore communications theory and also learn how to communicate effectively using a full range of media channels including new media technology. Upon completion of the minor, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the history and evolution of communication and the role of societies and institutions in shaping communications.
  • Articulate and apply the theories and best practices for the use and presentation of images and digital information including audio and video.
  • 应用 tools and technologies used in the communications professions.
Program Required Courses学分
CMM 110 – Intro to Communications3
CMM 210 – Understanding Media3
Six (6) credits of Communication Theory Electives6
Six (6) credits of Communication 实践 Electives6
Minimum Total Required 学分18

Program Specific Elective Options

Communication Theory Electives学分
CMM 130 – Media Literacy3
CMM 135 – Evolution of Television3
CMM 220 – Organizational Communication or WRT 233 – Professional and Technical Communication3
CMM 240 – Social Media: Theory & 实践3
CMM 305 – Public Relations in the Digital Age3
CMM 320 – Intercultural Communication or CMM 416 – 全球 Communication3
CMM 340 – Women and Film3
CMM 350 – Video Game Studies3
CMM 411 – Communication Law & 监管3
Communication 实践 Electives学分
BUMK 200 – Marketing3
BUMK 310 – Advertising3
CMM 122 – Oral Communication or SPC 100 – Effective Public Speaking3
CMM 201 – Digital Media & 软件工具 or ART 230 – Graphic Design3
CMM 211 – Introduction to Journalism3
CMM 225 – Topics in Digital Storytelling3
CMM 300 – Documentary Video3
CMM 311 – Digital Video Production3
CMM 410 – Writing for the Screen3
CMM 420 – Senior Project3
CMM 430 – Internship in Communication3
LIL 420 -艺术 & 人文学科的顶点3
WRT 304 -读取 & Write in Digital Env.3
WRT 317 – Proposal and Grant Writing3