
A student with GPA of at least 2.25 and a major at UNE may 小 in Animal Behavior with the approval of the assistant academic director. Declarations must occur prior to the completion of the first semester of the junior year. Major programs of study with significant course overlap with animal behavior 小 requirements may be disallowed by the academic director. 学生 declaring a 小 in animal behavior will not be allowed to double-dip credits across the 小 and either major or core requirements (unless no other options are provided by the major, 小, or core requirements). A minimum of eighteen (18) hours of approved course credit with a minimum grade of "C-" in each course is required for the 小 in Animal Behavior as follows:

课程 学分
PSY 105 – Introduction to Psychology 3
PSY 335 – Comparative Animal Behavior 3
PSY 365 – Biological Bases of Behavior 3
One Organismal Topic (see above) 3–4
Animal Behavior Elective (see above) 3–4
PSY 384/384L – Animal Learning and Behavior  4
Minimum credits 19

For more information contact Zach Olson, Ph.D. | (207) 602-2766 | zolson@toymonstertruck.com